DigitalOur Digital practice is aimed at meeting advisory and litigation demands. Among the advisory services, there is advising on the protection of personal data to comply with Federal Law no. 13.709/20lti (“General Data Protection Law” or “LGPD” – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais) and conception of the internal arrangement of each client for governance in the protection of personal data. In addition, our Digital practice involves designing tools to regulate online interaction, such as consent banners, privacy policies, cookie policies, and terms of use. In litigation, in addition to performing in cases related to the protection of personal data, we represent our clients in matters related to Federal Law no. 12365/2014 (“Marco Civil da Internet“- “Civil Rights Framework for the Internet“), in particular for the removal of content which is offensive or that violates intellectual property rights; for the recovery of personal or corporate accounts on social media that have been lost as a result of cyber scams; for tracking IP data, among other measures aimed at preventing or remedying issues related to the virtual environment.
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